Thursday, 10 February 2011

Watch & Listen to Loefah, Boddika & Addison Groove sets from the Swamp 81 Boiler Room spesh.


BR #42 Loefah from PLATFORM MAGAZINE on Vimeo.

 BR #42 Loefah by BOILER ROOM

Addison Groove

BR #42 Addison Groove (live) from PLATFORM MAGAZINE on Vimeo.

 BR #42 Addison groove by BOILER ROOM


BR #42 Boddika from PLATFORM MAGAZINE on Vimeo.

 BR #42 Boddika by BOILER ROOM

Remember when we said to listen in on the special Swamp 81 Boiler Room video cast while it was rolling live?  Now you watch 'em all back.

You can also download all these mixes and more from Boiler Room's nifty iTunes podcast page.

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